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XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language that is used for storing and exchanging data in a human-readable format. XML documents consist of elements, attributes, and data that are used to describe the structure and content of the data.

By following XML tutorials, you can learn the following:

Fundamentals of XML: You’ll learn the basic structure of an XML document, including elements, attributes, and data.

XML Syntax: You’ll learn the rules for writing XML documents, such as how to write elements, attributes, and data in a proper format.

Document Structure: You’ll learn how to create a well-formed XML document, including the root element, hierarchy of elements, and how to properly nest elements.

Data Representation: You’ll learn how to use XML to represent different types of data, such as text, numbers, and dates.

Namespaces: You’ll learn about XML namespaces, which allow you to create unique element and attribute names across multiple XML documents.

Validation: You’ll learn how to validate XML documents against a schema, such as DTD (Document Type Definition) or XML Schema, to ensure they are well-formed and conform to a specific structure.

Processing XML with XSLT: You’ll learn how to use XSLT to transform XML documents into other formats, such as HTML or PDF.

Navigating XML with XPath: You’ll learn how to use XPath to navigate and extract information from XML documents.

These are just a few of the concepts you can learn from XML tutorials. Understanding these concepts will give you a strong foundation in working with XML and related technologies.